Monday, December 31, 2012

Senior College Players Performances a Hit with Audiences

By Rosabelle Tifft

Senior College Players performed two holiday favorites this fall as a Christmas gift to the community. Two matinees and two evening performances delighted a total of nearly 150 persons in attendance.

“A Child’s Christmas in Wales,” by Dylan Thomas, was a sparkling rendition of this classic, with performers reading, acting and inviting the audience to join them in song.

"Memories of a Wonderful Life,” by Jonathan M. Zaley, a Christmas comedy that added an audience-friendly twist to this holiday classic, was also performed. Lynn Arizzi, Director, said audience members could relate this play to the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Players took the audience through the story with all its famous characters asking some audience members to join them on stage and play some of the characters. All audience members joined in the singing of well-known favorite songs.

This successful holiday event proved to be fun and enjoyable for both the Players and audiences as well. As one audience member said, “It was a very special evening of joy and entertainment for everyone.” 

Roberta Taylor, Mary Jane Shiverick (from audience)

Roberta Taylor, Tineka Ouwinga, Mary-Ellen Gartner, Rosabelle Tifft, Carol Campbell, Lainey Cross, Mary Jane Shiverick

Audience volunteer Lainey Cross plays the taxi driver with Roberta Taylor as George Bailey and Mary-Ellen Gartner as Mary, his wife.
Lorrie Hoeh as Mr. Welch, Roberta Taylor as George Bailey, and David Shiverick (from audience) as Martini's Tavern owner.

Audience members Marilyn Sahlberg (babysitting for Mary Bailey), Amy Davis, and Carolyn Gould.
 Photos by Joe Arizzi

This article also appears in the January issue of the Maine Senior College Network Newsletter 

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