Picking blackberries while waiting for the tour to start. (photo K. DeVore) |
Marvin Ouwinga in front of peach tree. (photo K. DeVore) |
Scott Hynek telling one of his tales. (photo K. DeVore) |
Steve Smith, Kathy Thrall and Kathy's granddaughter with goats Maggie and Paulette. (photo K. DeVore) |
The lovely Paulette! (photo Lee Smith) |
Looking across into the emu pen. (photo K. DeVore) |
Scott and friend following emus. (photo Lee Smith) |
Lee Smith getting friendly with an emu; Sara Wright and friend. (photo Steve Smith) |
Emus were the big hit! (photo Lee Smith) |
Kathleen DeVore (photo Lee Smith) |
A very interested Tom turkey..... (photo Lee Smith) |
This year's pig happily eating leftovers and trimmings from Cathi DiCocoa. (photo Lee Smith) |
The geese! (photo Lee Smith) |
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