WMSC will be continuing these Brown Bag Lunch discussions as part of our inclusion of the public in sharing ideas and information. Our intent is that our ongoing Down Home Maine series will invite interesting Maine citizens with particular talents or expertise to share their experiences with us. In contrast, the Brown Bag Lunch is an opportunity for a facilitator to help participants to grapple with ideas, swapping a variety of perspectives on an issue. Nancy Davis is managing the program and welcomes ideas for future topics. Brown Bag topics may be issues-oriented, of local interest, related to learnings from a particular WMSC class – or any other topic that lends itself to spirited discussion. You may send ideas to Nancy at 381-1110 or nancydavis@megalink.net. Be watching for the next Brown Bag Lunch in January.
From the October 1 Brown Bag Lunch discussion. photo Amy Chapman |
The library at the Bethel Inn provides a friendly, welcoming setting. photo Amy Chapman |
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