“We’re Back – with an evening of quirky one-act plays,” claims Ray Leghart, facilitator, Senior College Players. Due to COVID, last year was the only year the Players did not perform since they started in 2006. Performances will be held Friday, Nov. 19, and Saturday, Nov. 20, from 7 to 9 pm at Gould Academy’s McLaughlin Auditorium.
The Players, although “amateur thespians,” challenge themselves in the art of theater and are anxious to return and highlight their talents for their friends and neighbors.
One of the five comedy plays includes “Gin and Tonic,” by John Clifford with Rosabelle Tifft as Olive and Bill Schuellein as Stan. The dating service is down the hall, but that does not mean some sparks cannot start flying between these two characters.
"Gin and Tonic" with Bill Schuellein and Rosabelle Tifft photo Peter Musso |
“After the Ball” by Fred Stoppel, features Ray Leghart as Stewart and Arita Zitoli as Joanna. Their friend, Charlie, knew how to put the “fun” into his funeral. Stewart and Joanna, a married couple, share their reactions to the event and how it affected them, some of it good, and some of it not so much.
"After the Ball" with Arita Zitoli and Ray Leghart photo Peter Musso |
Jack Kuchta, as a client, and John Reilly, as the psychologist, perform in “Your Mother’s Butt,” by Alan Ball. Sometimes a belt is just a belt. Things happen when a man seeking help with his lack of joy in life, ends up finding a shopping trip might be all he needs.
John Reilly and Jack Kuchta in "Your Mother's Butt" photo Peter Musso |
“Chocolate,” by Frederick Soppel, casts Tim LeConey as a detective, and Lorrie Hoeh as Mrs. Colby. An investigation of a missing person leads to chocolate, of course.
Lorrie Hoeh and Tim LeConey in "Chocolate" file photo |
The final play, “Welcome to Acceptance,” by Terryl Paisdte, includes Marianne Goff-Dumont as Mrs. Melcher and Bill Schuellein as Sam. Sam robs banks for a living. Mrs. Melcher just started as a bank teller, but she’s got more tricks up her sleeve that Sam could possibly expect.
"Welcome to Acceptance" with Bill Schuellein and Marianne Goff-Dumont photo Peter Musso |
Reservations are required for each performance as seating is limited. To make a reservation, call Jack Kuchta at 201-579-8822 or email him at J_kuchta@yahoo.com. Masks are required at each performance. Admission is free but donations will be accepted at the door to honor Royalty fees. For more information, call Jack at 201-579-8822.