hope our WMSC members will be interested in the new Telstar-Community
Partnership that is in the formative stages. The hope is to provide
educational resources to Telstar teachers and students by connecting
citizens of SAD44 communities who wish to share their education,
experiences, and interests to enhance curricular and co-curricular
activities. Please note - you may be the perfect candidate! Perhaps you
have an area you'd be willing to share with one or more young people.
You don't have to be an expert; some kind of knowledge or interest or
talent - and a willing attitude - are what we're looking for. A lot of
groundwork has already taken place, and we hope to begin this project
soon, but after the holiday season. If you feel you might be interested, even if you're not sure how you would fit in, feel free to contact Nancy Davis (nancydavis@megalink.net; 381-1110). More details will follow after the holiday season!
For more information about Western Mountains
Senior College visit our website at