Monday, December 2, 2013

Senior College Players Perform

Senior College Players “wowed” a capacity audience at each of their performances held on November 22 and 23 at the Gould Academy Science Center Trustees Auditorium. At an intermission during the three-comedy performance, cast members further “wowed” the audience with an assortment of homemade cookies for their enjoyment.

The evening was dedicated to Joe and Lynn Arizzi. Lynn organized the Senior College Players seven years ago, and Joe was her faithful photographer as well as participant. They have since relocated to Florida. Ross Timberlake, named director, and Lorrie Hoeh, assistant director, sensing the need to move in new directions, worked with a team of veteran players to come up with the new format and to select the plays.

Throughout ten weeks of rehearsals, Ross and Lorrie served as “facilitators,” challenging the team of cast members to stay in character and have fun. The end result provided a wonderful learning experience for new members and veterans alike. A very successful event followed, as the thespians entertained their friends and neighbors in two performances. Cast members have expressed their thanks and appreciation to Ross and Lorrie for their excellent direction and support.

Rosabelle Tifft, Carole Timberlake and Jim McLean in a scene from "Light Competition." photo R. Timberlake
Jack Kuchta and Lorrie Hoeh in a scene from "Who Murdered Who." photo R. Timberlake
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